M@M Series: Using portable technology to drive teaching and learning
Using portable technology to drive teaching and learning: Lessons learnt and insights that make a difference to implementing effective practice.
Please join Murdoch Education for a FREE workshop presented by Deputy Principal Matthew Wright
Matthew is currently leading an initiative as part of the initial integration of a 1:1 iPad program within his school. Based at Floreat Park Primary School in the northern suburbs of Perth, Western Australia, Matthew is focused on developing effective teaching which creates impact on student learning. In this session, Matthew will share his personal journey of using technology for teaching and learning, and the lessons learnt along the way.
As a participant in this session and under Matthew's guidance, you will have the opportunity to engage in hands-on explorations of iPads and use Apple core apps to explore their links to the Western Australian Curriculum. You will also experience a range of effective workflows that have refined pedagogical teaching and informed effective learning within his context. Matthew will share insights and tips to create a successful 1:1 iPad program in your school, including technical requirements and the necessary personal support that informs and propels this pedagogical focus within schools.
Tickets Timing & Date:
Hill Lecture Theatre South Street Murdoch, WA 6150 Australia
Passes Availibility:
Normal Passes
Per Pass
VIP Passes
Per Pass
Passes Quantity:
Normal Pass
VIP Pass
Sub Total